
Chain Jump Treatment of Buried Chain Scraper Conveyor

When buried scraper conveyor chain jumping failure occurs, it is rarely happens that the chains of both sides are out of sprocket. Generally, single side chain sprockets meshing point will cause both sides chain dislocation and lead the scraper chain in the tilt state of operation. At this moment, stop and repair the machine in time will bring it back to normal running. However, if the failure is not found promptly, more and more serious dislocation could cause chain breaking, cast stone runnel box or chain way damage, and even burn the motor and turn over the base, thus extend the harm of jump chain failure.
The most common issue in the operation of buried scraper conveyor is chain jump and often occurs at the head and tail. While the causes are complicated, such as uneven lining slot box, partly cast slab laying off, gaps at chain way and some other reasons. After long time running, the head gear tooth and tail groove wear is also a factor causing this problem. In addition, when the large bulk materials are conveying, they might enter into the sprocket meshing point which can also cause chain jump.

